Get the most simplified and complete Bible study for you to understand perfectly.
We have developed a complete ebook for you to learn the Bible in a more practical way, containing an audiobook for good listeners.
With our method you can study and learn the Bible in up to 30 days
The best Bible study you can find at great value for money, buying 2 ebooks automatically gets you another ebook
This e-book is an essential
guide for those who wish to understand and apply the teachings of Jesus in their
daily lives.
Bible Student Guide – enables readers to deepen their faith and apply biblical principles in their daily lives.
This resource is a treasure trove for those who wish to explore and better understand the stories and narratives found in the Holy Scriptures.
The e-book Bible Manual: Parable of Jesus is a complete work that explores and analyzes the parables contained in Jesus’ teachings in the Bible. With a clear and concise approach, the book presents a profound and inspiring interpretation of each parable, revealing its timeless messages and lessons to readers.
With accessible language and a wealth of biblical research, it is a must-read for anyone interested in deepening their spiritual knowledge and strengthening their faith.
The e-book Bible Manual: Parable of Jesus is a complete work that explores and analyzes the parables contained in Jesus’ teachings in the Bible. With a clear and concise approach, the book presents a profound and inspiring interpretation of each parable, revealing its timeless messages and lessons to readers.
With accessible language and a wealth of biblical research, it is a must-read for anyone interested in deepening their spiritual knowledge and strengthening their faith.
With a detailed and comprehensive approach, this encyclopedia presents an extensive list of biblical characters, from the best-known heroes and prophets to lesser-known but equally important figures. Each entry provides essential information, such as the character’s role in biblical history, their genealogy, their achievements and distinctive characteristics.
In addition, the Encyclopedia of Biblical Characters also explores the historical and cultural context in which these characters lived, providing a deeper understanding of their importance and relevance to understanding the biblical message as a whole.
Whether you are a Bible student looking for detailed information about a specific character, or a curious person seeking knowledge about the people who shaped biblical history, the Encyclopedia of Biblical Characters will enrich your understanding and appreciation of God’s Word.
Our ebooks are designed for you Christians who want to understand the Holy Scriptures even more
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